Our work is only possible with the generosity of supporters just like you! Donations via PayPal and credit card are both possible via the "Donate Now" button. One-time and monthly donations are available. Thank you for your support! Donations greater than $250, will receive an IRS-compliant confirmation letter from EarthSpark International to file with tax returns.
GLOBALGIVING Support our ongoing campaign on GlobalGiving! In addition to individual donors, GlobalGiving helps promote our cause to their corporate partners. |
DONATE BY CHECK Donations by check can be made out to EarthSpark International : EarthSpark International 750 17th St. NW, Suite 800 Washington DC 20006 |
DONATE STOCKS OR OTHER ASSETS Donations of stocks or other assets can increase the impact of your donation since the pre-tax nature of the donation increases the size of the support for EarthSpark. Please contact us to learn more! |
LEGACY GIVING Leaving a bequest in your will can mean a world of difference as we work for a future free from energy poverty. We encourage you to speak with us before leaving a gift in your will to ensure you and your family's wishes are best respected. |