earthspark presents clean tech career paths at inaugural haitian science education conference5/4/2014 ![]() by Rachel McManus Building retail networks and small-scale infrastructure for clean energy services in Haiti is not enough to ensure the long-term sustainability of energy access. Sustained success will depend on the next generation of Haitian engineers, entrepreneurs, and policy makers, so EarthSpark was honored to present clean technology career paths as part of IEEE Haiti's inaugural conference in April. The Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology, launched its Haiti branch with an inaugural conference in partnership with the Faculty of Sciences at the State University of Haiti. The conference was an excellent opportunity for EarthSpark to meet the best and brightest in Haiti’s higher education system, scout for future technicians and staff members, and build collaborations with Haitian academia. Created by three enterprising students from the City College of New York (CCNY), one of IEEE Haiti’s main goals is to advance Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education in order to build the leadership necessary to contribute to Haiti’s development. Each day was chock-full of interesting presentations by professors and stakeholders discussing topics ranging from renewable energy to hydrology to mathematics. EarthSpark had dual presentations by Microgrid Project Manager and SparkMeter co-founder Arthur Jacquiau-Chamski (in the photo above) and Country Director Rachel McManus. Arthur presented on the topic of sustainable solar microgrids, presenting the business case for the use of renewable energy in microgrid development in Haiti. Rachel spoke on the use of distribution networks for small-scale solar technology as a medium-term solution to energy poverty. EarthSpark is excited to see this advancement of the sciences in Haiti and proud to help advance technology and STEM education. We are looking forward to working with IEEE Haiti and the Faculty of Sciences at the State University of Haiti in the near future. You can follow IEEE Haiti’s work on their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter: @IEEEHaiti.
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